Inauguration Day  inagurationday-01

"Constitutional guidelines for inaugurations are sparse, offering only the date and the words of the oath. All else is driven by tradition. After the oath is administered the president gives an address, usually one stressing national unity. Since that time, such activities have been broadened to include a cross-section of the American population.

Receptions, balls, and other public events reflect the president’s need to include many diverse groups in the transition of power, even, at times, officially sanctioned protesters. More than a celebration of one person’s rise to power, modern inaugurations validate the republic’s democratic processes. Modern inaugural festivities reflect not only the president they honor, but also the desire of many Americans to celebrate our nation's rich history and the transfer of presidential power,"

Library of Congress Inauguration Guide
Architect of the Capitol
The 20th Ammendment

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Created on: January 27, 2025 -