Available Inhouse:
- Pennsylvania Personal Injury/Torts Law Encyclopedia
- Restatement of the Law 1st, Torts-Case citations
- Restatement of the Law 2d, Torts-Rule sections, case citations
- Restatement of the Law 3d, Torts-Drafts
- Restatement of the Law 3d, Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm-Citations
- Restatement of the Law 3d, Torts: Products Liability-Rule sections, case citations
- Law reviews and journals on torts and products liability
- Ohio Jurisprudence, 3d with Forms
- Baldwins Ohio Practice - Tort Law
- Ohio Personal Injury Practice
- Ohio Personal Injury Texts & Legal Forms
- Ohio Trial Practice
- American Law of Products Liability 3d
- Attorneys Medical Advisor
- Aviation Tort and Regulatory Law
- Corporate Compliance Series: Product Liability
- Crashworthiness Litigation
- Federal Tort Claims
- Handbook of Personal Injury Forms and Litigation Materials
- Handling Motor Vehicle Accident Cases: Treatise and Forms, 2d
- Lane's Goldstein Litigation Forms
- Law of Defamation
- Law of Product Warranties, The
- Lawyers Desk Reference 9th Edition
- Litigating Minor Impact Soft Tissue Cases
- Litigating Tort Cases
- Madden & Owen on Products Liability
- Modern Tort Law: Liability and Litigation 2d
- Pattern Discovery: Premises Liability Third Edition
- Pattern Discovery: Tort Actions Third Edition
- Personal Injury Verdict Reviews
- Premises Liability
- Privacy Torts
- Products Liability: Design and Manufacturing Defects
- Punitive Damages: Law and Practice
- Recovery for Wrongful Death
- Stein on Personal Injury Damages
- Structured Settlements 2d
- Toxic Torts Litigation Guide
- Restatement of the Law-Torts
- Restatement of the Law-Torts-Archive
- Law reviews and journals on torts and products liability
- HeinOnline - Law reviews and journals on labor & employment law
- Fastcase National Primary Law Library (includes: state and federal cases, codes, regulations and court rules)
- Fastcase Treatises: Business Torts Law Library (includes: Business Torts Reporter; Business Torts-A Fifty-State Guide; Civil False Claims and Qui Tam Actions; Civil RICO Practice Manual)
- Fastcase Treatises: Personal Injury Law Library (includes: Tort Law Desk Reference-A Fifty-State Compendium; Personal Injury-Forms and Procedures; Understanding the AMA Guides in Workers' Compensation; Stedman's Medical Dictionary; Expert Witness Updates)
- Fastcase Treatises: Product Liability Law Library (includes: The Preparation of a Product Liability Case, Third Edition; Product Liability Case Digest; Product Liability Desk Reference; Product Warnings, Defects and Hazards; Scientific Evidence and Experts Handbook)
- Fastcase Treatises: Remedies Library (includes: Judgment Enforcement)
- CCH Health and Human Resources Library (includes: Medical Devices Reporter)
- CCH Business and Finance Library (includes: Law of Products Liability)
- LegalTrac: law review and journal articles on torts and products liability
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Created on:
September 04, 2013 -