- Developing Labor Law by John E. Higgins, Jr. (Bloomberg/BNA), KF3369 .A76
- Employment Discrimination Law by Barbara T. Lindemann (Bloomberg/BNA), KF3464 .L56
- Employment in Ohio: A Guide To Employment Laws, Regulations, and Practices by Maynard G. Sautter (Lexis/Nexis), KFO331 .S282
- The Fair Labor Standards Act by Ellen C. Kearns (West), KF3484.581 .A2
- How Arbitration Works by Kenneth May (Bloomberg/BNA), KF3424 .E53
- How To Take A Case Before The NLRB by Brent Garren (Bloomberg/BNA), KF3372 .M25
- Ohio Employer’s Guide by Ronald R. Cresswell, (Aspen Publishers), KFO331 .O35
- Ohio Employment Practices Law: A Practical Guide For Employers And Their Legal Counsel. by Bradd N. Siegel (West), KFO334 .S54
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- State Employment Law FormFinders-Ohio & selected states included
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- HeinOnline - Law reviews and journals on labor & employment law
- Fastcase National Primary Law Library (includes: state and federal cases, codes, regulations and court rules)
- Fastcase Treatises: Employment Discrimination Law Library (includes: Employment Discrimination Law & Practice; Representing Plaintiffs in Title VII Actions; Americans with Disabilities Handbook; Sexual Harassment in the Workplace-Law & Practice; Civil Rights in the Workplace)
- Fastcase Treatises: Employment Law Library (includes: Employment Relationships-Law & Practice; Employee Dismissal Law & Practice; Covenants Not to Compete; Employment Law Answer Book; Immigration Law in the Workplace)
- Fastcase Treatises: State-Specific Employment Law Library (includes: the 50 states and Puerto Rico)
- CCH Health and Human Resources Library (includes: Accommodating Disabilities, Accommodating Disabilities Decisions; EEOC Compliance Manual; Employment Practices Guide; Labor Arbitration Awards; Labor Law Journal; Labor Relations; NLRB Case Handling Manual; OFCCP Federal Contract Compliance Manual; State Employment Law Library; Wages and Hours Reports; Employment Safety and Health; State Unemployment Insurance Laws & Regulations-all states; and much more on payroll, human resources, benefits, pensions, safety, and health care)
- LegalTrac: law review and journal articles on labor & employment law
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Created on:
August 07, 2013 -