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This is a selective list of articles compiled from print law reviews and |
Foley Jones, Peggy, Trust the Process, 78 (No. 10) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Sept. 2007) Abdalla, Tarek F., Litigation vs. Arbitration: Which is Better for the Commercial Dispute?, 16 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR (Sept. 2005) Sender, Jennifer M., CPR for Your ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution Primer, 51 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER (October 2005) Mills, Lawrence R. & Brewer, Thomas J., A Courtroom Lawyer's Guide to Arbitration, 31 (No. 3) LITIGATION (Spr. 2005) Herman, G. Nicholas, Ten tools for mediation caucuses, 41 (No. 5) TRIAL (May 2005) Savare, Matthew, Clauses in Conflict: Can an Arbitration Provision Eviscerate a Choice-of-Law Clause?, 35 (No. 2) SETON HALL LAW REVIEW (2005) Levy, Howard A., Selected Forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution: What Makes Them Work, CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Mar. 2005) Obradovic, V. Michelle, Achieving Wise Resolutions in Mediation, 28 (No. 1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRIAL ADVOCACY (Summer 2004) Hammond, Celeste, Arbitration Advocacy: From Clause to Hearing, 28 (No. 1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRIAL ADVOCACY (Summer 2004) Stulberg, Joseph B., Creating and Certifying the Professional Mediator-Education and Credentialing, 28 (No. 1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRIAL ADVOCACY (Summer 2004) |
American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 |
Ward, Robert E., The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, 51 (No. 2) THE PRACTICAL
LAWYER (Apr. 2005) Christopher J. Byrne, Attorney, and Rina Mirchandani, The New Expatriation Rules Under the American Jobs Creation Act, 32 (No. 5) ESTATE PLANNING JOURNAL (May 2005) Livingstone, Jane R., et al., The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004: A Review of Key Provisions, 59 (No. 1) JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS 80 (Jan. 2005) A Look at the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 and the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004, 82 (No. 11) TAXES 45 (Nov. 2004) |
Americans with Disabilities Act |
Payton, Janet G., The ADA: Alcoholism in the Workplace, 21 (No. 1) CORPORATE COUNSEL'S QUARTERLY 63 (Jan. 2005) |
Antitrust Law |
Blair, Roger D. & Piette, Christine A., Coupons and Settlements in Antitrust Class Actions, 20 (No. 1) ANTITRUST (Fall 2005) Baugh, Mark & Bean, Helen, The Ripple Effect of Workers' Compensation, 16 (No. 3) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR (May 2005) |
Appellate Practice |
Scialdone, Frank, Oral Argument: Prepare Early, Emphasize Strengths But Anticipate Weaknesses, 77 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (October 2006), Rosenthal, Sandra J., Clear Writing and Compelling Themes Win Cases on Appeal, 77 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (October 2006), Duff, Timothy J., Standards of Review Govern Strategy, Success, 77 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (October 2006), Pollis, Andrew S., Don't Take Jurisdiction for Granted, 77 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (October 2006), Keyse-Walker, Irene, To Appeal of Not to Appeal?: That's Part of the Question, 77 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (October 2006), Gallagher, Betsy & Clarke Michael C., Preserving the Record for Appeal: Six Basic Steps, 23 (No. 4) TRIAL ADVOCATE QUARTERLY 20 (Fall 2004) Puente, Denise C., Appeal and Supersedeas Bonds, 46 (No. 9) FOR THE DEFENSE 49 (Sept. 2004) |
Attorney-Client Relationship |
D'Angela, Christopher S. & Blood, Robert P., The Scope and Use of the Attorney-Client Privilege in the United States, 73 (No. 4) DEFENSE COUNSEL JOURNAL, (October 2006), |
Aviation Law |
Gallagher, James A., Jr. & Crowley, Michael J., How High Will It Fly?: Federal Preemption in Aviation Litigation, 46 (No. 8) FOR THE DEFENSE 31 (Aug. 2004) Aubert, Garth W. & Hession, Michael A., Trends and Developments: The General Aviation and Revitalization Act, 46 (No. 8) FOR THE DEFENSE 37 (Aug. 2004) Sutherland, Kevin R., The Montreal Convention of 1999: Welcome to a Brand New Day in International Aviation Law, 46 (No. 8) FOR THE DEFENSE 41 (Aug. 2004) |
Banking Law |
Hollyfield, John S., Third-Party Opinion Letters for Mortgage Loans (With Resources), 22 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Jan. 2006) Gillett, Mark T., et al., Developments in Cyberbanking, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Franzen, Therese G. & Howell, Leslie M., Predatory Lending Legislation in 2004, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Sale, Hillary A., Banks: The Forgotten(?) Partners in Fraud, 73 (No. 1) UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 139 (Fall 2004) Giffen, Karen L. & Malynn, Steven R., Where in the U.S. Can National Banks Sue or Be Sued?,75 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL 10 (Oct. 2004) Weinstock, Peter G. & Dreyer, Stephanie E., Overdraft Protection Programs: The Emerging Battleground for Bankers and Consumer Advocates, 121 (No. 9) THE BANKING LAW JOURNAL 791 (Oct. 2004) Finkelstein, Saul H., Private Bank Lending: Legal Issues in Loan Documents, 121 (No. 9) THE BANKING LAW JOURNAL 847 (Oct. 2004) Gilbert, O. Dudley, Update on State and Federal Banking Law and Regulations, 58 (Nos. 1-2) CONSUMER FINANCE QUARTERLY REPORT 18 (Spring/Summer 2004) Comizio, V. Gerard, Banking Regulators Begin to Apply the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 58 (Nos. 1-2) CONSUMER FINANCE QUARTERLY REPORT 29 (Spring/Summer 2004) |
Bankruptcy |
Schenz, Beth Ann, Bankruptcy's €˜Automatic Stay': Court's Interpretation Affects Creditors, 82 (No. 4) LAW & FACT (Oct. 2006) Rutter, John J., 10 Things Every Practitioner Should Know About the New Bankruptcy Act, 82 (No. 4) LAW & FACT (Oct. 2006) Blakely, Jonathan P., Highlights of Consumer Bankruptcy Reform, LAW & FACT, (JULY 2005), Larsen, Stuart, The Corporate Aspects of Bankruptcy Reform, LAW & FACT, (JULY 2005), Riley, Michael G., Congress Adds Bankruptcy Exemption for Retirement Funds, 76 (No. 8) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (JUNE 2005) Wyman, Dean P., Bankruptcy Fraud: It is More Than You May Think, 76 (No. 2) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL 38 (Dec. 2004) Miller, Harvey R. & Waisman, Shai Y., Does Chapter 11 Reorganization Remain a Viable Option for Distressed Businesses for the Twenty-First Century?, 78 (No. 2) THE AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW JOURNAL 153 (Spring 2004) |
Civil Procedure |
Shelton, Gregory D., Don't Let the Terabyte You: New E-Discovery Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 73 (No. 4) DEFENSE COUNSEL JOURNAL, (October 2006), Federal Rules Alert: How Rules Are Made: A Brief Review, 21 No. 3 CRIMINAL JUSTICE, (Fall 2006) Miller, Michael S., The Strategic Use of Voluntary Dismissals, 16 (No. 1) OHIO TRIAL, SPRING (2006) |
Civil Rights Law |
Drachsler, David A., Proof of Disparate Treatment Under Federal Civil Rights Laws, 56 (No. 4) LABOR LAW JOURNAL (Winter 2005) |
Class Actions |
Casper, Charles B., The Class Action Fairness Act's Impact on Settlements, 20 (No. 1) ANTITRUST (Fall 2005) Simmons, Ian & Borden, Charles E., The Defense Perspective: The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 and State Law Antitrust Actions, 20 (No. 1) ANTITRUST (Fall 2005) Spiva, Bruce V. & Tycko, Jonathan K., Indirect Purchaser Litigation on Behalf of Consumers After CAFA, 20 (No. 1) ANTITRUST (Fall 2005) Arp, D. Jarrett, Be Careful What You Ask For: Unintended Consequences and Unfinished Business Under the Class Action Fairness Act, 20 (No. 1) ANTITRUST (Fall 2005) Hefferon, Thomas M. & Thompson, Douglas A., Class Action Update: The Increasing Scrutiny of Class Settlements and Other Developments, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Picker, Todd A. & Freisleben, Alan, All Aboard?: The Derailing of Class Certification, 46 (No. 8) FOR THE DEFENSE 26 (Aug. 2004) |
Cloning |
Caplan, Arthur L., What if Anything is Wrong with Cloning a Human Being?, 35 (No. 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 369 (Fall 2003) Knoppers, Bartha-Maria, Human Dignity: In Danger of Banality? (The Case of Cloning), 35 (No. 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 385 (Fall 2003) |
Commercial Law |
Iwamoto, Raymond S., Insurance and the Commercial Lease (Part 1), 22 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Jan. 2006) Ostrow, Steven E., What You Need to Know About the Treatment of Commercial Leases Under the Bankruptcy Reform Act, 22 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Jan. 2006) Hollyfield, John S., Third-Party Opinion Letters for Mortgage Loans (With Resources), 22 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Jan. 2006) Vartanian, Thomas P. & Fajfar, Mark, To blow the whistle or not?: Banks get mixed messages on dealing with customer fraud, 15 (No. 1) BUSINESS LAW TODAY (Sept./Oct. 2005) Franzen, Therese G. & Howell, Leslie M., Predatory Lending Legislation in 2004, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Bonell, Michael, UNIDROIT Principles 2004: A Further Step Towards a Global Contract Law, UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE LAW JOURNAL 49 (Summer 2004) |
Constitutional Law |
Royer, Jeff, Comment: Commercial Speech and Fax Websites-Searching for a Method to the Madness, 86 (No. 8) JOURNAL OF THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE SOCIETY 628 (Aug. 2004) |
Consumer Law |
Weissman, Joseph J., The Anticybersqatting Consumer Protection Act: Developments Through its First Six Years, 95 (No.5) THE TRADEMARK REPORTER (Sept.-Oct. 2005) Young, Lawrence A. & McIntyre, Heather H., When Repossession, Foreclosure, and Other Acts are Not €œDebt Collection€ Under Fair Debt Collection Practices Statutes, 59 (Nos. 1-2) CONSUMER FINANCE LAW QUARTERLY REPORT, (SPRING-SUMMER 2005) Ornstein, Stephen F.J., et al., The Summit County, Ohio Anti-Predatory Lending Ordinance: The Next Frontier in Local Ordinances?, 59 (Nos. 1-2) CONSUMER FINANCE LAW QUARTERLY REPORT, (SPRING-SUMMER 2005) Lampe, Donald C., Update on Federal Preemption and State Mortgage Lending Laws, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Williams, Julie L., et al., Developments in Credit Card Practices and Related Actions by the OCC to Protect Consumers, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Melvin, Carolyn S., Federal and State Telemarketing Developments, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Lucas, Laurie A. & Harrell, Alvin C., The Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: 2004 Review of Appellate Decisions, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Taft, Jeffrey P. & Harrell, Alvin C., Consumer Identification, Money Laundering Compliance, and Safeguarding of Customer Information Under the GLB Act, the USA PATRIOT Act, and OFAC Rules, 58 (No. 4) CONSUMER FINANCE LAW QUARTERLY REPORT (Winter, 2004) Huber, Elizabeth A., Federal and State Identity Theft Protection Laws, 58 (No. 4) CONSUMER FINANCE LAW QUARTERLY REPORT (Winter, 2004) Hankins, W. Paul, Update on Identity Theft, 58 (No. 4) CONSUMER FINANCE LAW QUARTERLY REPORT (Winter, 2004) |
Contract Law |
Adams, Kenneth A., A lesson in drafting contracts, 15 (No. 2) BUSINESS LAW TODAY (Nov./Dec. 2005) Stark, Tina L., Drafting the Consideration Provision of a Contract, 51 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER 11 (Feb. 2005) |
Corporate Counsel |
Kearns, Christine N. & Westman, Daniel P., Limitations Imposed by the Attorney-Client Privilege on In-House and Outside Counsel as €œWhistleblowers€, 31 (No. 2) EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL (Autumn, 2005) Vizy, Nick J., Handling a Search Warrant, 21 (No. 2) CORPORATE COUNSEL'S QUARTERLY (Apr. 2005) Marmer, Ronald L., et al., How to Conduct Internal Corporate Investigations After Sarbanes-Oxley, 28 (No. 6) ALI-ABA BUSINESS LAW COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL 15 (Dec. 2004) Fava, Mark C., An Overview and In-House Counsel Perspective: Punitive Damages in the Airline Case, 46 (No. 8) FOR THE DEFENSE 58 (Aug. 2004) Weingarten, Reid H. & Heberlig, Brian M., Representing the General Counsel, 30 (No. 4) TRIAL 28 (Summer 2004) |
Corporation Law |
Dent, George, Comment: The Case for Real Shareholder Democracy, 55 (No. 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) White, Craig Owen, Comment: Corporate Governance: Directors vs. Shareholders?, 55 (No. 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Hill, Bonnie, Comment: A View from the Board Room: The Success of Corporate Governance, 55 (No. 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Arewa, Olufunmilayo B., Comment: Corporate Governance Events: Legal Rules, Business Environment and Corporate Culture, 55 (No. 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Johnson, Lyman P.Q., Corporate Officers and the Business Judgment Rule, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Widland, James J., Selling the family business, 14 (No. 5) BUSINESS LAW TODAY (May/June 2005) Peroni, Robert J., Recent Developments in the Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders: Pt. 1, 32 (No. 2) CORPORATE TAXATION 3 (Mar./Apr. 2005) Schwarcz, Steven L., Collapsing Corporate Structures: Resolving the Tension Between Form and Substance, 60 (No. 1) THE BUSINESS LAWYER 109 (1st Quarter 2005) Sheinfeld, Myron M. & Pippitt, Judy Harris, Fiduciary Duties of Directors of a Corporation in the Vicinity of Insolvency and After Initiation of a Bankruptcy Case, 60 (No. 1) THE BUSINESS LAWYER79 (1st Quarter 2005) Brownstein, Andrew R. & Kirman, Igor, Can a Board Say No When Shareholders Say Yes? Responding to Majority Vote Resolutions, 60 (No. 1) THE BUSINESS LAWYER 23 (1st Quarter 2005) |
Criminal Law |
Orben, Jessica Ann, Connecticut Department of Public Safety v. Doe: Sex Offenders' Due Process under €œMegan's Law€ and the Effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Mossoney, Kimberly R. & Roecker, Cara A., Ohio Collateral Consequences Project, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Bergeron, Pierre H. & Eberwine, Kimberly A., One Step in the Right Direction: Ohio's Framework for Sealing Criminal Records, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Carey, Corinne A., No Second Chance: People with Criminal Records Denied Access to Public Housing, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Freisthler, Marlaina & Godsey, Mark A., Going Home to Stay: A Review of Collateral Consequences of Conviction, Post-Incarceration Employment, and Recidivism in Ohio, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Demleitner, Nora V., Thwarting a New Start? Foreign Convictions, Sentencing, and Collateral Sanctions, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Smyth, McGregor, Holistic is Not a Bad Word: A Criminal Defense Attorney's Guide to Using Invisible Punishments as an Advocacy Strategy, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Gorman, Robert H., Collateral Sanctions in Practice in Ohio, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, Collateral Sanctions and Discretionary Disqualification of Convicted Persons: Black Letter with Commentary, 36 (No. 3) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Mauro, Tony, Released for Good Behavior: The Supreme Court frees federal judges from having to hand down mandatory sentences, CORPORATE COUNSEL 71 (Mar. 2005) |
Damages |
Schwartz, Victor E. & Silverman, Cary, Hedonic Damages: The Rapidly Bubbling Cauldron, 54 (No. 4) DEFENSE LAW JOURNAL (Winter 2005) Rios, Damien, An Introduction to the Use of Viatical and Life Settlements, 31 (No. 1) ESTATE PLANNING 533 (Nov. 2004) Stavros, James A., Narrowing the Gap: Subrogation Damages-Do Your Homework, 46 (No. 8) FOR THE DEFENSE 20 (Aug. 2004) |
Defamation |
Conway-Jones, Danielle M., Defamation in the Digital Age: Liability in Chat Rooms, On Electronic Bulletin Boards, and in the Blogosphere, 29 (No. 5) ALI-ABA BUSINESS LAW COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 2005 |
Discovery |
Nahrstadt, Bradley C. & Lunardini, Claire L., Using the Internet as a Discovery Tool, 16 (No. 3) EXPERIENCE, (SPRING 2006) Nahrstadt, Bradley C. & Williams, Hanson L., Electronic Discovery: An Overview of the Power and the Pitfalls, 16 (No. 2) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR (Nov. 2005) Wall, Christopher D., Ethics in the era of electronic evidence, 41 (No. 10) TRIAL (Oct. 2005) Imwinlkelreid, Edward J., Can this photo be trusted?, 41 (No. 10) TRIAL (Oct. 2005) Altman, Keith L., Make the most of e-data experts, 41 (No. 10) TRIAL (Oct. 2005) Friedlander, William S. & Buchanan, Mark A., Electronic evidence in everyday cases, 41 (No. 10) TRIAL (Oct. 2005) Ball, Craig, A practical guide to e-mail discovery, 41 (No. 10) TRIAL (Oct. 2005) Arsenault, Richard J. & Whaley, John Randall, Gathering digital evidence, 41 (No. 10) TRIAL (Oct. 2005) Hovanec, George A., Jr. & Wachen, David S., Preparing Fact Witnesses for Deposition, 16 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR, (JULY 2005) Cornett, Harry D., Jr. & Cornett, Adam D., Involuntary or Inadvertent Disclosure and the Attorney-Client Privilege, 76 (No. 4) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Feb. 2005) |
Discrimination |
Saenz, Thomas A., Image-Based Hiring: Does the Pursuit of a €œLook€ Justify Discrimination?, 35 (No. 1) THE BRIEF (Fall, 2005) Lauro, Sandra K., The Science of Discrimination: Genetics in the American Workplace, 35 (No. 1) THE BRIEF (Fall, 2005) Drachsler, David A., Proof of Disparate Treatment Under Federal Civil Rights Laws, 56 (No. 4) LABOR LAW JOURNAL (Winter 2005) Donald, Carrie G. & Ralston, John D., Supremacy or Subordination? Is the Issue of ADA and CBA Conflicts Resolved?, 31 (No. 2) EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL (Autumn, 2005) Turner, Mark A., Disability Under the Tax Law, 83 (No. 6) TAXES: THE TAX MAGAZINE (June 2005) Landskroner, Jack & Beninger, David M., Gender Injustice of Proposed Tort €œReform€, 76 (No. 4) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Feb. 2005) Ohlweiler, Major John N., Disability and the Major Life Activity of Work: An Un-€œWork€-Able Definition, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) Horwitz, Thomas M., The Public Policy Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination, 76 (No. 6) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Apr. 2005) Beasley, Teresa M., The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Primer and Practical Implications for the Workplace, 76 (No. 6) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Apr. 2005) |
Diseases and the Law |
Choo, Kristin, The legal system will play a key role in planning the response to a possible onslaught of the virus, 91 ABA JOURNAL (Nov. 2005) |
Domestic Relations |
Nelson, Sharon D. & Simek, John W., Electronic Snooping by Husbands, Wives, and Lovers, 28 (No. 3) FAMILY ADVOCATE (Winter 2006) Morgan, Laura W., Finding the Stuff You Just Know They're Hiding, 28 (No. 3) FAMILY ADVOCATE (Winter 2006) Sikora, The Honorable Peter, A Family Court for Cuyahoga County, LAW & FACT, (JULY 2005) Saperstein, Pamela, Teen Dating Violence: Eliminating Statutory Barriers to Civil Protection Orders, 39 (No. 1) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY, (SPRING 2005) Goldscheid, Julie, The Civil Rights Remedy of the 1994 Violence Against Women Act: Struck Down but Not Ruled Out, 39 (No. 1) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY, (SPRING 2005) Klein, Catherine F., et al., Border Crossings: Understanding the Civil, Criminal, and Immigration Implications for Battered Women Fleeing Across State Lines with Their Children, 39 (No. 1) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY, (SPRING 2005) Erickson, Nancy S., Use of the MMPI-2 in Child Custody Evaluations Involving Battered Women: What Does Psychological Research Tell Us?, 39 (No. 1) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY, (SPRING 2005) Murphy, Jane C. & Rubinson, Robert, Domestic Violence and Mediation: Responding to the Challenges of Crafting Effective Screens, 39 (No. 1) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY,(SPRING 2005) Drew, Margaret, Lawyer Malpractice and Domestic Violence: Are We Revictimizing Our Clients?, 39 (No. 1) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY, (SPRING 2005) Hawes, Matthew P., Removing the Roadblocks to Successful Domestic Violence Prosecutions: Prosecutorial Use of Expert Testimony on the Battered Woman Syndrome in Ohio, 53 (No. 1) CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW, (MAY 2005) |
Drug Laws |
Visocan, Karen A., Prescription Drug Importation and Reimportation, but Everyone is Doing It, CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Mar. 2005) |
Elder Law |
Hughes, Sandra L., Can Bank Tellers Tell?-Legal Issues Related to Banks Reporting Financial Abuse of the Elderly, 58 (No. 4) CONSUMER FINANCE LAW QUARTERLY REPORT
(Winter, 2004) Morgan, Rebecca C., The Practical Aspects of Practicing Elder Law: Creating an Elder-Friendly Office, 38 (No. 2) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 269 (Summer 2004) Dessin, Carolyn L., Protecting the Older Client in Multi-generation Representations, 38 (No. 2) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 247 (Summer 2004) Moskowitz, Sy, Still Part of the Clan: Representing Elders in the Family Law Practice, 38 (No. 2) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 213 (Summer 2004) Spiceland, J. David, et al., Planning for the Long-Term Care of a Special-Needs Individual, 73 (No. 3) TAX STRATEGIES 158 (Sept. 2004) |
Election Law |
Panel II: Emerging Principles Pertaining to the Resolution of Election Disputes, 57 (No. 3) ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW (Summer 2005) |
Environmental Law |
Brennan, Michael J. & Kukowski, Leah A., Managing the Wildlife Refuge System: Is Anything Compatible Anymore?, 20 (No. 2) NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT (Fall 2005) Palmer, Sarah, et al., Strategies for Addressing Native Traditional Cultural Properties, 20 (No. 2) NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT (Fall 2005) Seidman, Anna M., et al., Forest Wildlife Management: A Legal Battleground for a Scientific Dilemma, 20 (No. 2) NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT (Fall 2005) Stuhltrager, James, Integrating Bullets with Butterfly Wings, 20 (No. 2) NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT (Fall 2005) Lorman, John J., California's Ban on Waste Discharges into Areas of Biological Significance, 20 (No. 2) NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT (Fall 2005) Angelo, Mary Jane & Cotter, Anthony J., Redressing the Failure of Environmental Law to Protect Birds and their Habitat, 20 (No. 2) NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT (Fall 2005) Krueger, Karen G., Managing ERISA Fiduciary Risks, 51 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER (October 2005) |
Merry, Tony C., ERISA Subrogation-Change is in the Wind, 16 (No. 1) OHIO TRIAL, (SPRING 2006) Reilly, D. Michael & Guite, Robert J., ERISA Fiduciary Claims: Planning, Protecting, and Preparing for Class Actions, 31 (No. 2) EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL (Autumn, 2005) Krueger, Karen G., Managing ERISA Fiduciary Risks, 51 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER (October 2005) |
Estate Planning |
Matz, Kevin, Practical Strategies for Funding a Child's College Education, 33 (No. 6) ESTATE PLANNING, (JUNE 2006) Herman, Keith A., Coordinating Retirement Accounts with Estate Planning 101 (What Every Estate Planner Needs to Know), 20 (No. 1) PROBATE & PROPERTY (Jan./Feb. 2006) Basson, Martin E., Estate and Gift Tax Procedure (Part 2), 11 (No. 4) ALI-ABA ESTATE PLANNING COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL, (AUGUST 2005) Katzenstein, Lawrence P., Sophisticated Charitable Giving: Thirteen Charitable Planning Issues, 11 (No. 4) ALI-ABA ESTATE PLANNING COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL, (AUGUST 2005) Jark, Heidi B. & Johnson, Margaret S., Private Family Foundations: An Effective Charitable Instrument, 76 (No. 4) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Feb. 2005) VanZante, Neal R. & Fritzsch, Ralph B., Evaluate When to Begin Collecting Social Security Benefits, 74 (No. 4) TAX STRATEGIES, (APRIL 2005) Tiernan, Peter B., Preventing Abuses Stemming from Durable Powers of Attorney, 32 (No. 4) ESTATE PLANNING (Apr. 2005) Murphy, Thomas J., IRS Rulings on IRA Rollovers Have Now Been Liberalized, 32 (No. 4) ESTATE PLANNING (Apr. 2005) Schlesinger, Sanford J., & Goodman, Martin R., Back to Basics: A Primer for Charitable Remainder Trusts, 32 (No. 3) ESTATE PLANNING 9 (Mar. 2005) Kurlowicz, Ted T., What Estate Planners Will Be Doing in 10 Years (or Not), 59 (No. 1) JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS 66 (Jan. 2005) |
Ethics and Professionalism |
Mueller, John, et al., New ethics rules: What lawyers need to know, 20 (No. 6) OHIO LAWYER (Nov./Dec. 2006) Mueller, John, et al., New ethics rules: What lawyers need to know, part II, 21 (No. 1) OHIO LAWYER (Jan./Feb. 2007) Coleman, Deborah A., New Ohio Ethics Rules, 77 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (October 2006), Heffernan, Michael, Mind Your Fees and Q's: Ohio's New Professional Conduct Rules Set for 2007, 77 (No. 11) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (October 2006), Westermeier, J.T., Ethics and the Internet, 54 (No. 4) DEFENSE LAW JOURNAL (Winter 2005) Frederick, Paula J., Learning to Live with Pro Se Opponents: Are you resentful of pro se opponents who don't follow the court rules, don't understand the law, and seen to receive unfair leeway from the judge? Get over it, 22 (No. 7) GP SOLO (Oct./Nov. 2005) Kutik, David A., Pro Bono: Why Bother?: Consider not only what pr bono work will do for your bottom line or reputation but also how it will make you feel, 22 (No. 7) GP SOLO (Oct./Nov. 2005) Suni, Ellen Yankiver, Conflicts of Interest: Most conflicts can legally be waived, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should undertake the representation, 22 (No. 7) GP SOLO (Oct./Nov. 2005) Abeshouse, David J., Civility and Negotiations: Common courtesy and civility will get you better results in your negotiations-and in your life, 22 (No. 7) GP SOLO (Oct./Nov. 2005) Simpson, Andrew C., Staying Civil: Incivility frequently is employed by opposing counsel-and even by judges-to gain the upper hand. How do you keep from responding in kind?, 22 (No. 7) GP SOLO (Oct./Nov. 2005) |
Evidence |
Smith, Mark B. & Crossley, Donna L., Rebuttal Evidence: Having the Last Word, 16 (No. 1) OHIO TRIAL, (SPRING 2006) Kodner, Ross L., Manipulated Digital Evidence-How to Spot It, 28 (No. 3) FAMILY ADVOCATE (Winter 2006) Calloway, Jim, What is Electronic Evidence?, 28 (No. 3) FAMILY ADVOCATE (Winter 2006) Volonino, Linda, Electronic Evidence in Small Cases and Private Litigation, 15 (No. 2) OHIO TRIAL (Summer 2005) Holland, Mara J., Spoliation of Electronic Evidence, 21 (No. 3) CORPORATE COUNSEL'S QUARTERLY, (JULY 2005) Mullins, Todd & Farinacci, Andrea D., A Trial Lawyer's Guide to Surreptitious Audio Evidence, 31 (No. 3) LITIGATION (Spr. 2005) Perdue, Jim M., Jr., The art of demonstrative evidence, 41 (No. 5) TRIAL (May 2005) Ginkowski, Richard A., Getting to Know and Love Electronic Evidence, 19 (No. 4) CRIMINAL JUSTICE 14 (Winter 2005) Admissibility of Fingerprint Evidence under Daubert, 45 (No. 1) JURIMETRICS 41 (Fall 2004) |
Experts |
Smith, Melinda E., Side Switching Experts: Can They Testify in Ohio?, 15 (No. 3) OHIO TRIAL, (WINTER 2005) Rikon, Michael, €œOther Experts€ in Property Valuation, 22 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Jan. 2006) Wood, Lisa C., Notes from the Field-Litigation Practice: Cross-Examining an Expert Economist at Trial, 20 (No. 1) ANTITRUST (Fall 2005) McElhaney, James W., Trial Notebook: Nine Ways to Cross-Examine an Expert, 31 (No. 2) LITIGATION 55 (Winter, 2005) Mann, William, Legal Ethics: Questions and Answers, 14 (No. 2) OHIO TRIAL 37 (Summer 2004) Maloon, Jeffrey L., Must Experts in Medical Negligence Cases Practice in the Same Speciality as the Defendant?, 14 (No. 2) OHIO TRIAL 19 (Summer 2004) Bolek, Cathleen M., Ex Parte Interviews of Plaintiff's Treating Physicians, 14 (No. 2) OHIO TRIAL 11 (Summer 2004) Goldberg, David L., Expert Qualifications: Who Are These Guys?, 21 (No. 6) GPSOLO 28 (Sept. 2004) |
FACT Act |
McEneney, Michael F. & Kaufman, Karl F., Implementing the FACT Act: Self-Executing Provisions, 60 (No. 2) THE BUSINESS LAWYER (Feb. 2005) |
Health Care |
Whitton, Linda S., Planning for End-of-Life Health Care Decisions-What National Survey Results Reveal, 20 (No. 1) PROBATE & PROPERTY (Jan./Feb. 2006) Levitan, Shari A. & Adrian, Helen, Brave New World: Ethical Issues Involving Surrogate Health Care Decisions, 20 (No. 1) PROBATE & PROPERTY (Jan./Feb. 2006) Bourdine, Anne E. & Raish, David L., Health Savings Accounts and Other Health Plan Structures: What Practitioners Need to Know, 29 (No. 4) ALI-ABA BUSINESS LAW COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL, (AUGUST 2004) Scott, Stuart E., SB 281 a.k.a. Ohio's Negligent Healthcare Provider Immunization Law, LAW & FACT, (JULY 2005) Olinde, John E. & McCard, Hal, Understanding the Boundaries of the HIPAA Preemption Analysis, 72 (No. 2) DEFENSE COUNSEL JOURNAL (Apr. 2005) Stuban, Richard G. & Kostyack, Paul T., Using the Courts to Reform the Health Care System, CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Mar. 2005) Duncan, John, et al., Using tort law to secure patient dignity, 40 (No. 10) TRIAL 42 (Oct. 2004) Merrick, Jeff, Open up hospital peer review records, 40 (No. 10) TRIAL 36 (Oct. 2004) Kosierradzki, Mark R., How to prove management flaws in nursing homes, 40 (No. 10) TRIAL 30 (Oct. 2004) Holloway, Mark, New Medicare Recovery Rights Against Employer Plans: Technical Corrections or Trojan Horse?, 17 (No. 3) BENEFITS LAW JOURNAL64 (Autumn 2004) |
Housing and Urban Development |
Leviner, Sagit, Affordable Housing and the Role of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program: A Contemporary Assessment, 57 (No. 4) THE TAX LAWYER 869 (Summer 2004) Zielenbach, Affordable Housing: A Critical Analysis of Low-Income Homeownership Strategies, 13 (No. 4) JOURNAL OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAW 446, (Summer 2004) |
Immunity |
Carlino, Steven G., The History of Governmental Immunity in Ohio, 32 (No. 1) Ohio Northern University Law Review, (2006) |
Insurance Law |
Goodman, Gregory A., Insurance Triggers as Judicial Gatekeepers in Toxic Mold Litigation, 54 (No. 4) DEFENSE LAW JOURNAL (Winter 2005) Payne, John L., The Role of Environmental Consultants in Choosing and Negotiating Environmental Insurance, 21 (No. 6) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Nov. 2005). Rosman, Warren, Spring and Insurance Coverage: Accidental v. Intentional Injury, 76 (No. 8) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, (JUNE 2005) Weber, Richard M., When is a Premium Not a Premium?, 59 (No. 4) JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS, (JULY 2005) Garner, Richard M., Eight Simple Rules of Ohio UM/UIM Coverage, 81 (No. 2) LAW & FACT (Apr. 2005) Richmond, Douglas R., Insurance Agency and Broker Liability, 40 (No. 1) TORT TRIAL & INSURANCE PRACTICE LAW JOURNAL 1 (Fall 2004) Flory, Mark W., Primary and Excess Insurance Issues and the Pollution Exclusion in a Society of Mobility, 34 (No. 1) THE BRIEF 38 (Fall 2004) Richmond, Douglas R., Advice of Counsel and Insurance Bad Faith, 53 (No. 4) DEFENSE LAW JOURNAL 583 (Winter 2004) Buhite, Russell S. & Marrero-Ladik, H. Maggie, Drugs, Alcohol, and Accidental Death Coverage, 39 (No. 4) TORT TRIAL & INSURANCE PRACTICE LAW JOURNAL 985 (Summer 2004) Houser, Douglas G., et al., Good Faith as a Matter of Law-An Update on the Insurance Company's €œRight to be Wrong€, 39 (No. 4) TORT TRIAL & INSURANCE PRACTICE LAW JOURNAL 1045 (Summer 2004) |
Intellectual Property |
Hunter, Garry E., Status of Intellectual Property Law in the Age of the Internet, 38 (No. 1) LAW/TECHNOLOGY (1st Quarter 2005) Orkin, Neal & Burger, Sarah, Employee Invention Rights in the Twenty-First Century, 56 (No. 1) LABOR LAW JOURNAL (Spr. 2005) Halan, John M., Protecting Trade Secrets: Steps Every Trade Secret Owner Should Know, 30 (No. 3) EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL 22 (Winter 2004) |
International Trade |
Vern, Max, Will the Road to the U.S. Go Through Madrid?, 86 (No. 8) JOURNAL OF THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE SOCIETY 660 (Aug. 2004) |
Internet Law |
Nackowicz, Timothy P., A Cyberspace Roadmap for the Trial Lawyer, 16 (No. 1) OHIO TRIAL, (SPRING 2006) Martin, Brian, Caught in the Defamation Net, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Carle, Jay C. & Perritt, Henry H., Jr., Civil Liability on the Internet, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Burney, Brett, Chasing Virtual Pirates with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Friedman, Ian N., Defending Virtual Crimes, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Willis, Terry D., Criminal Liability in Cyberspace, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Katsh, Ethan, The Nuts and Bolts of ODR, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Coolidge, Daniel S., Cyber-Vermin, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Domain Names as Property: Kremen v. Cohen, 45 (No. 1) JURIMETRICS 75 (Fall 2004) Gibbons, Llewellyn Joseph, It's Nobody's Business, but You Still Cannot Lie about It: Criminalizing Innocent Attempts to Maintain Cyber-Privacy, 30 (No. 3) OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 377 (2004) |
Juvenile Law |
Majer, Mark R., Juvenile Law Update: A Full Tool Box Approach, 81 (No. 1) LAW & FACT (Jan. 2005) Nanowsky, Gail A., Open Courts in Ohio's Juvenile Courts, 81 (No. 1) LAW & FACT (Jan. 2005) Lexcen, Frances J., Grisso, Thomas & Steinberg, Laurence, Juvenile Competence to Stand Trial, 24 (No. 2) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 2 (Summer 2004) Kuffer, Dorene A., Death Penalty for Juveniles: Has a National Consensus Been Reached? A Look at the Modern Legal History of the Juvenile Death Penalty, 24 (No. 2) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 12 (Summer 2004) Reynolds, Allison M., Child Predators after 9/11: Recognizing Child Predators as Domestic Terrorists and Empowering Law Enforcement with the Tools to Stop Them, 24 (No. 2) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 37 (Summer 2004) |
Labor and Employment Law |
Ohio's New Minimum Wage Law and Indoor Smoking Ban: What Public Employers Need to Know, 55 (No. 2) CITIES & VILLAGES (March/April 2007) Kearns, Christine N. & Westman, Daniel P., Limitations Imposed by the Attorney-Client Privilege on In-House and Outside Counsel as €œWhistleblowers€, 31 (No. 2) EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL (Autumn, 2005) Ongerth, Sharon E., The Ramifications of Megan's Law for Employers, 31 (No. 2) EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL (Autumn, 2005) Chartier, Gary, Toward a New Employer-Worker Compact, 9 (No. 1) EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL (2005) Selmi, Michael, Sex Discrimination in the Nineties, Seventies Style: Case Studies in the Preservation of Male Workplace Norms, 9 (No. 1) EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL (2005) Swillner, Kenneth M., Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace, 29 (No. 4) ALI-ABA BUSINESS LAW COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL, (AUGUST 2004) Hancock, William A., Covenants Not to Compete in Employment Contracts (Ulmer & Berne Presentation), 21 (No. 2) CORPORATE COUNSEL'S QUARTERLY (Apr. 2005) Dolan, James B., Jr., The Growing Significance of Employment Practices Liability Insurance, 34 (No. 2) THE BRIEF 30 (Winter 2005) Wheeless, Steven & Miller, Nicole, A Guide to Union Picketing and Handbilling, 51 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER 19 (Feb. 2005) Ballentine, Lisa L. & Clarke, Matthew W., But It's in My Contract...!: When Employers Should (and Should Not) Use Employment Agreements, 30 (No. 3) EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL 40 (Winter 2004) |
Landlord/Tenant |
Saltz, Sidney G., Insuring Tenant Alterations, 20 (No. 1) PROBATE & PROPERTY (Jan./Feb. 2006) Rosen, Bruce, When Office Building Landlords Lease to Retail Tenants (With Form), 20 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER 7 (Sept. 2004) Ideas from the Front [how should lawyers and judges rely on Internet search results; new funding sources ease financial strains on plaintiffs lawyers], 90 ABA JOURNAL 30 (Oct. 2004) |
Litigation |
Nackowicz, Timothy P., A Cyberspace Roadmap for the Trial Lawyer, 16 (No. 1) OHIO TRIAL, (SPRING 2006) Fox, Lawrence J. & Martyn, Susan R., Ten Remedies You Must Understand, 16 (No. 2) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR (Nov. 2005) Abdalla, Tarek F., Litigation vs. Arbitration: Which is Better for the Commercial Dispute?, 16 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR (Sept. 2005) Edelstein, Stewart I., Daubert and lost-profits testimony, 41 (No. 9) TRIAL (Sept. 2005) Milano, Jay, Final Argument: I Hate That Guy, LAW & FACT, (JULY 2005) Hirschman, Karen L., Selecting, Preparing, and Cross-Examining Expert Witnesses (With Form), 16 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR, (JULY 2005) Malone, Thomas William, Voir Dire and Jury Selection (With Sample Questions), 16 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR, (JULY 2005) Moyer, Chief Justice Thomas J., Commission on the 21st Century Judiciary, 38 (No. 3) AKRON LAW REVIEW (2005) Rawlinson, Dennis P., Old Dogs and New Tricks for Direct Examination, 31 (No. 3) LITIGATION (Spr. 2005) Diaz, Derek, Default Judgments: Two Procedural Pitfalls You May Not Be Aware of, 76 (No. 7) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (May 2005) |
LLC's |
Smith, Kelly W. & Harriger, Karen M., Limited Liability Company Conversions-Navigating the State Tax Implications, 7 (No. 1) BUSINESS ENTITIES 6 (Jan./Feb. 2005) Coppedge, Bradley R., LLC Operating Agreements: Drafting Tips and Traps for the Unwary, 19 (No. 1) PROBATE & PROPERTY 44 (Jan./Feb. 2005) Smith, Susan Kimsey, Bulletproofing Family Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, 10 (No. 6) ALI-ABA ESTATE PLANNING COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL 45 (Dec. 2004). |
Malpractice |
Salvi, Patrick A., Why medical malpractice caps are wrong, 41 (No. 5) TRIAL (May 2005) Bernstein, Michael H., Medical Malpractice Claims in ERISA Litigation, 46 (No. 11) FOR THE DEFENSE 54 (Nov. 2004) Greenman, Gilbert, A Cautionary Tale of Malpractice in the Computer Age, 30 (No. 4) TRIAL 39 (Summer 2004) |
Marketing Your Practice |
Mayfield, Bonnie, Rainmaking: Business Development and Retention Techniques, 51 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER 45 (Feb. 2005) Maddock, Charles A., Are You Really Marketing? Time for a Reality Check, 30 (No. 7) LAW PRACTICE 40 (Oct. 2004) Eye on Marketing: Teaching Your Colleagues How to Get You Business, 75 (No. 10) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL 32 (Sept. 2004) |
Medical Malpractice |
Berliner, Alan F., Medical malpractice liability reforms, 19 (No. 1) OHIO LAWYER 6 (Jan./Feb. 2005) |
Non-Profit Law |
Dalton, Thomas M., Structuring Joint Ventures Between For-profit and Tax-exempt Entities, 7 (No. 1) BUSINESS ENTITIES 32 (Jan./Feb. 2005) Smith, Pamela C., The Joint Venture Saga in the Nonprofit Hospital Sector, 82 (No. 9) TAXES 45 (Sept. 2004) |
Oil & Gas Law |
Grayson, Michael M., Why Oil Companies Allocate Costs: A Primer, 53 (No. 1) OIL, GAS & ENERGY QUARTERLY 23 (Sept. 2004) |
Partnership Law |
Feldman, Ira S., Ensure Family Limited Partnerships Work on all Fronts, 75 (No. 4) TAX STRATEGIES (Oct. 2005) Swartz, Scott, Practical Aspects of Managing a Family Partnership, 76 (No. 4) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Feb. 2005) Smith, Susan Kimsey, Bulletproofing Family Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, 10 (No. 6) ALI-ABA ESTATE PLANNING COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL 45 (Dec. 2004). |
Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright |
Creasman, W. Scott, Free Speech and "Sucking"-When is the Use of a Trademark in a Domain Name Fair?, 95 (No.5) THE TRADEMARK REPORTER (Sept.-Oct. 2005) Creasman, W. Scott, Establishing Geographic Rights in Trademarks Based on Internet Use, 95 (No.5) THE TRADEMARK REPORTER (Sept.-Oct. 2005) Chen, Doris, et al., Strategic Balancing of Patents and the Wireless Technology Revolution to Maximize Exclusivity, 87 (No. 1) JOURNAL OF THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE SOCIETY 5 (Jan. 2005) Clarke, Leo L., Knocking Out the Knockoff Trade Dress Claim, 46 (No. 10) FOR THE DEFENSE 47 (Oct. 2004) Henry, Vickie L., Invention Assignment Agreements and License Agreements, 46 (No. 10) FOR THE DEFENSE 43 (Oct. 2004) Bergner, Eric P. & Schafer, Katherine R., The Copyright Statute of Limitations Gets a Make-Over, 51 (No. 3) JOURNAL OF THE COPYRIGHT SOCIETY OF THE USA 601 (Spring 2004) Henry, Jon H., Ten Misconceptions of Division of Inventions for Examination Purposes, 86 (No. 8) JOURNAL OF THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE SOCIETY 581 (Aug. 2004) Walterscheid, Edward C., Inventor Equity: The Case for Patent Term Extension, 86 (No. 8) JOURNAL OF THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE SOCIETY 599 (Aug. 2004) DelNero, Matthew S., Long Overdue? An Exploration of the Status and Merit of a General Public Performance Right in Sound Recordings, 51 (No. 3) JOURNAL OF THE COPYRIGHT SOCIETY OF THE USA 473 (Spring 2004) McPhie, David, Access Made Accessible: Shaping the Laws and Technologies that Protect Creative Works, 51 (No. 3) JOURNAL OF THE COPYRIGHT SOCIETY OF THE USA 521 (Spring 2004) |
Personal Injury |
Lusk, John R., Personal Injury Verdicts in Cuyahoga County, LAW & FACT, JULY 2005 |
Planning & Zoning |
Sullivan, Edward J., Comprehensive Planning, 36 (No. 3) THE URBAN LAWYER 541 (Summer 2004) Talbert, Cecily T., & Costa, Nadia L., Current Issues in Inclusionary Zoning, 36 (No. 3) THE URBAN LAWYER 557 (Summer 2004) |
Practice of Law |
Gibson, K. William, Minimum fees for standard tasks and the ethics of €œrounding up€. 32 (No. 7) LAW PRACTICE, (Oct./Nov. 2006) Bilinsky, David & Calloway, Laura, Compensation Systems: For the Love of Money or the Mission of the Firm?, 32 (No. 7) LAW PRACTICE, (Oct./Nov. 2006) Lewis, Charles C., Turning the firm into a school: Help your associates learn to draft contracts-the right way, 15 (No. 3) BUSINESS LAW TODAY (Jan./Feb. 2006) Hall, Christine H., The Top 10 Ways to Build a Practice, 51 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER (October 2005) Hrastar, Tim, Check Your Client Development IQ, LAW & FACT, (JULY 2005) Coglianese, Cary, et al., Unifying Rulemaking Information: Recommendations for the New Federal Docket Management System, 57 (No. 2) ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Dove, Richard A., Attorneys get Ready: Registration Period Brings Changes and Improvements, 76 (No. 7) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (May 2005) Avitable, Amy Youngblood, The Demise of Cotnam and the Impact of the Jobs Act on the Income Tax Treatment of Contingent Legal Fees, 83 (No. 6) TAXES: THE TAX MAGAZINE (June 2005) Hancock, William A., Recent Developments Relating to the Attorney-Client Privilege, 21 (No. 2) CORPORATE COUNSEL'S QUARTERLY (Apr. 2005) Stansbury, Carlton D., Proactive Advice for Starting Your Own Firm, 27 (No. 4) FAMILY ADVOCATE (Spr. 2005) |
Probate Law |
Buser, Paul J., Domestic Partner and Non-marital Claims Against Probate Estates: Marvin Theories Put to a Different Use, 38 (No. 2) FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY 315 (Summer 2004) |
Products Liability |
Zager, Jeffrey & Johnson, David L., A 50-State Survey: Successor Liability Law in Product Liability Actions, 47 (No. 12) FOR THE DEFENSE (Dec. 2005) |
Real Estate Law |
Jurt, Pamela D., The Effect of SB 185 on Predatory Lending, 82 (No. 4) LAW & FACT (Oct. 2006) McDonnell, Judge Nancy R., Cuyahoga County Foreclosure Rates ~ A View From the Bench, 82 (No. 4) LAW & FACT (Oct. 2006) Ohio high court reins in eminent domain, 42 (No. 10) TRIAL, (October 2006), Connery, Nancy Ann, Tips for Negotiating the Small Office Space Lease (With Form), 21 (No. 6) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Nov. 2005). Ishikawa, Jesse S., A Checklist for Drafting Easements, 21 (No. 6) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (Nov. 2005) Hammond, Celeste M., Predatory Lending-A Legal Definition and Update, 34 (No. 2) REAL ESTATE LAW JOURNAL (Fall 2005) Skinner, Shannon J., A Practical Guide to Title Review (With Forms), 21 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (July 2005) Osborne, Scott B., Planning Issues in Mixed-Use Developments, 21 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (July 2005) Merriam, Dwight H., Homeland Security and Premises Liability, 21 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (July 2005) Hollyfield, John S., A Model Commercial Sublease Agreement, 21 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (July 2005) |
Religion |
Lithwick, Dahlia, Dicta [religious judges and their beliefs out of the courtroom], THE AMERICAN LAWYER 146 (Sept. 2004) |
Sarbanes-Oxley |
High, Mark R., Looking under the rocks: Due Diligence after Sarbanes-Oxley, 15 (No. 1) BUSINESS LAW TODAY (Sept./Oct. 2005) Kaiser, Gordon S., Jr., Comment: Fiduciary Responsibilities Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Design, 55 (No. 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW (Spr. 2005) Tran, Philoan M., A Sarbanes-Oxley Act for Nonprofits?, 51 (No. 5) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER (October 2005) Newman, Bradford K. & Sevey, Shannon S., Protections for Whistleblowers Under Sarbanes-Oxley, 51 (No. 2) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER (Apr. 2005) Alverson, Luke, Sarbanes-Oxley §§ 302 & 906: Corporate Reform or Legislative Redundancy? A Critical Look at the €œNew€ Corporate Responsibility for Financial Reports, 33 (No. 1) SECURITIES REGULATION JOURNAL 15 (Spring 2005) Doomsday Delayed [latest Sarbanes-Oxley requirement for internal controls audits], CORPORATE COUNSEL 17 (Mar. 2005) Goins, Frances, Director Independence in the Wake of Sarbanes-Oxley, 76 (No. 3) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL 8 (Jan. 2005) Marmer, Ronald L., et al., How to Conduct Internal Corporate Investigations After Sarbanes-Oxley, 28 (No. 6) ALI-ABA BUSINESS LAW COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL 15 (Dec. 2004) It Ain't Over Till It's over: Does Sarbanes-Oxley's extension of the statute of limitations for fraud claims apply retroactively?, CORPORATE COUNSEL 24 (Nov. 2004) Webb, Dan K. & Glauberman, Scott P., Up the Ladder: Litigator Responsibilities Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 30 (No. 4) TRIAL 21 (Summer 2004) |
School Law |
Cooper, Maggie A., Statistically Speaking: A Look at Charter Schools, 24 (No. 4) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 75 (Winter 2004) Kenny, Maria Braun, Legislative Update: No Child Left Behind-Is Standardized Testing Leading to Progress?, 24 (No. 4) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 73 (Winter 2004) Simkins, Sandra B., et al., The School to Prison Pipeline for Girls: The Role of Physical and Sexual Abuse, 24 (No. 4) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 56 (Winter 2004) Wright, Beth Ann, Teachers as Drug-Pushers: Coercing Children to Take Ritalin to Attend Public School, 24 (No. 4) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 26 (Winter 2004) Hickey, Erin M., Zero Tolerance for Policies Depriving Children of Education: A Comment on Zero Tolerance Policies, 24 (No. 4) CHILDREN'S LEGAL RIGHTS JOURNAL 18 (Winter 2004) |
Securities Law |
Haynes, Kevin, Insider Trading Under Rule 10b-5, 29 (No. 5) ALI-ABA BUSINESS LAW COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL, (OCTOBER 2005) Getzoff, Steven B. & Steckman, Laurence A., Securities Fraud Class Suits again Threaten to Become RICO Battlegrounds, 47 (No. 4) FOR THE DEFENSE (Apr. 2005) Barron, Robert A., The Apparent Sale of Unregistered Securities-Can It Be Saved?, 33 (No. 1) SECURITIES REGULATION JOURNAL 82 (Spring 2005) Hanselman, Suzanne & Loesch, Robert M., Proposed Reforms to the Securities Act of 1933, 76 (No. 3) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL 30 (Jan. 2005) Klaben, Matthew J., The SEC's New Current Reporting Rules in Practice, 76 (No. 3) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL18 (Jan. 2005) Snow, Tower C., Jr. & Knaster, Stephen M., Scienter Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, 33 (No. 4) THE BRIEF 14 (Summer 2004) |
Sovereign Immunity |
Koss, Hugh R, et al., The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: Assessing the Immunity of Foreign States in U.S. Litigation, 34 (No. 1) THE BRIEF 52 (Fall 2004) Davis, Scott J., Limits on Suing Government Entities, 76 (No. 2) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL 28 (Dec. 2004) |
Space Law |
Dyer, Laura & Bjornerud, Maria, Recent Space Law Cases and Publications, 30 (No. 2) JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW317 (Fall 2004) Zhao, Yun, An International Space Authority: A Governance Model for a Space Commercialization Regime, 30 (No. 2) JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW 277 (Fall 2004) Gabrynowicz, Joanne Irene & Serrao, Jacqueline Etil, An Introduction to Space Law for Decision Makers, 30 (No. 2) JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW 227 (Fall 2004) Bouvet, Isabelle, Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space: Key Technology Legal Challenges, 30 (No. 2) JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW 203 (Fall 2004) Abeyratne, Ruwantissa, ICAO's Involvement in Outer Space Affairs-A Need for Closer Scrutiny, 30 (No. 2) JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW 185 (Fall 2004) |
Taxation |
Murphy, Thomas J., IRS Rulings on IRA Rollovers Have Now Been Liberalized, 32 (No. 4) ESTATE PLANNING (Apr. 2005) Peroni, Robert J., Recent Developments in the Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders: Pt. 1, 32 (No. 2) CORPORATE TAXATION 3 (Mar./Apr. 2005) Woodruff, Leslie E., The 2004 Tax Acts: Far From Simplification, 19 (No. 2) THE PRACTICAL TAX LAWYER 5 (Winter 2005) Soled, Jay A. & Zuckerman, Herbert L., Whither the Federal Estate Tax, 15(No. 2) EXPERIENCE 41 (Winter 2005) Basu, Subhajit, To Tax or not to Tax? That is the question? Overview of Options in Consumption Taxation of E-Commerce, 37 (No. 2) LAW/TECHNOLOGY 1 (2nd Quarter 2004) David, Theodore M., Ten Things Every Lawyer Should Know About the IRS, 50 (No. 6) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER 35 (Dec. 2004) Rothschild, Alan F., Jr., Increased Public Scrutiny of Tax-Exempt Organizations, 31 (No. 1) ESTATE PLANNING 523 (Nov. 2004) Katzenstein, Lawrence P., Turning the Tables: When Do the IRS Actuarial Tables Not Apply?, 10 (No. 5) ALI-ABA ESTATE PLANNING COURSE MATERIALS JOURNAL 31 (Oct. 2004) Lowy, Peter A. & Vasquez, Jr., How Revenue Rulings are made, and the implications of that process for judicial deference, 101 JOURNAL OF TAXATION 230 (Oct. 2004) Temple, Judson L., The Federal Income Tax-A Law in Transition, 58 (No. 3) CONSUMER FINANCE LAW QUARTERLY REPORT206 (Fall 2004) |
Technology (Law Office) |
Rose, Jennifer J., E-Mail in the Law Office, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Nelson, Sharon D. & Simek, John W., Muddy Waters: Spyware's Legal and Ethical Implications, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Rosch, Mark & Allen, Jeffrey, Geek-Speak for the Rest of Us, 23 (No. 1) GP SOLO (Jan./Feb. 2006) Hartley, Joseph M., Eight Wishes Overheard at the Pearly Gates: Get your law office in order today-don't put it off until it's too late, 22 (No. 7) GP SOLO (Oct./Nov. 2005) Stern, Marc S., My Modem Made Me Do It: The convenience of electronic filing comes with an unintended price tag, 22 (No. 7) GP SOLO (Oct./Nov. 2005) Ware, Robert F., Should You Enter the Blogosphere, 76 (No. 7) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (May 2005) Boland, Dean, The Cutting Edge: Tablet PC is Here, 76 (No. 3) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL 28 (Jan. 2005) De Villiers, Meiring, Computer Viruses and Civil Liability: A Conceptual Framework, 40 (No. 1) TORT TRIAL & INSURANCE PRACTICE LAW JOURNAL 123 (Fall 2004) Weber, Richard M., Beam Me Up (and Out of this E-Mail/Virus Mess), 58 (No. 6) JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS 44 (Nov. 2004) Kelvin, Jeffrey B., Compliance-Related Considerations Stemming from the Use of E-Mail and the Internet, 58 (No. 6) JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS 42 (Nov. 2004) |
Terrorism |
Scharf, Michael P., Defining Terrorism as the Peacetime Equivalent of War Crimes: Problems and Prospects, 36 (Nos. 2 & 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2004) O'Connell, Mary Ellen, The Legal Case Against the Global War on Terrorism, 36 (Nos. 2 & 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2004) Drumbl, Mark A., €˜Lesser Evils' in the War on Terrorism, 36 (Nos. 2 & 3) CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2004) Deutsch, Ruthanne M., Suing State-Sponsors of Terrorism Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: Giving Life to the Jurisdictional Grant After Cicippio-Puleo, 38 (No. 4) THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER, (WINTER 2004) Garrison, Arthur H., The War on Terrorism on the Judicial Front, 27 (No. 1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRIAL ADVOCACY 99 (Spr. 2004) Garrison, Arthur H., The War on Terrorism on the Judicial Front, Part II: The Courts Strike Back, 27 (No. 3) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRIAL ADVOCACY 473 (Spr. 2004) |
Tort Law |
Nackowicz, Timothy P., A Cyberspace Empowered Intentional Tortfeasor, 16 (No. 1) OHIO TRIAL, (SPRING 2006) Knabe, Kenneth J., The Newly Empowered Intentional Tortfeasor, 16 (No. 1) OHIO TRIAL, (SPRING 2006) Goodman, Gregory A., Insurance Triggers as Judicial Gatekeepers in Toxic Mold Litigation, 54 (No. 4) DEFENSE LAW JOURNAL (Winter 2005) Levine, David M. & Hooper, Ryan P., Defamation and Physicians: Privileges and Immunities, CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Mar. 2005) Lyman, Mary S., Asbestos Litigation Update: The FAIR Act: Will 2005 Be the Year?, 47 (No. 3) FOR THE DEFENSE 26 (Mar. 2005) Stevens, Summer H., Whose Burden is it Anyway?: Defendant's Burden of Production on Causation, 47 (No. 1) FOR THE DEFENSE 43 (Jan. 2005) Coughlin, Chris, Negligence, Causation: Product Liability Defense Lessons, 46 (No. 11) FOR THE DEFENSE 63 (Nov. 2004) Cantu, Charles E., Distinguishing the Concept of Strict Liability in Tort from Strict Products Liability: Medusa Unveiled, 53 (No. 4) DEFENSE LAW JOURNAL 619 (Winter 2004) |
Trusts |
Moore, Douglas & Badlani, Ajay, Evaluate the Economics of Charitable Remainder Trusts, 75 (No. 4) TAX STRATEGIES (Oct. 2005) Hughes, Maura L., Future Interests without Present Interference: Drafting a Trust to Deny Future Beneficiary Standing, 76 (No. 8) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL, JUNE 2005 Merric, Mark, et al., Malpractice Issues and the Uniform Trust Code, 31 (No. 12) ESTATE PLANNING 586 (Dec. 2004) Madsen, Matthew J., Obtaining a Better Benefit by Using a Grantor Charitable Lead Trust, 31 (No. 12) ESTATE PLANNING 579 (Dec. 2004) Sanborn, Von E., U.S. Tax Classification of Trusts: When Is a Trust Not a Trust?, 31 (No. 9) ESTATE PLANNING 440 (Sept. 2004) Merric, Mark & Oshins, Steven J., How Will Asset Protection of Spendthrift Trusts Be Affected by the UTC?, 31 (No. 10) ESTATE PLANNING 478 (Oct. 2004) |
Merriam, Dwight H., Homeland Security and Premises Liability, 21 (No. 4) THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER (July 2005) Shaw, Lori E., The USA Patriot Act of 2001, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, and the False Dichotomy Between Protecting National Security and Preserving Grand Jury Secrecy, 35 (No. 2) SETON HALL LAW REVIEW (2005) |
White Collar Crime |
Taylor, David F., What if it's an inside job?: Responding to crime by business insiders, 15 (No. 1) BUSINESS LAW TODAY (Sept./Oct. 2005) |
Workers Compensation Law |
Bartman, Douglas V., Workplace Violence: Does it fit within the intentional tort exception to workers' compensation exclusivity?, 76 (No. 6) CLEVELAND BAR JOURNAL (Apr. 2005) |
Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 |
Ward, Robert E., Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004, 51 (No. 1) THE PRACTICAL LAWYER 27 (Feb. 2005) A Look at the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 and the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004, 82 (No. 11) TAXES 45 (Nov. 2004) |
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