
Case Caption Case No. Topics and Issues Author Citation
State ex rel. Hicks v. Clermont Cty. Bd. of Commrs. 2021-0611Open Meetings Act—R.C. 121.22—R.C. 121.22 requires public bodies in Ohio to conduct all deliberations on official business in meetings that are open to the public—No construction of the Open Meetings Act changes the default rule that a plaintiff alleging violations of the act bears the burden of proving the violations—Court of appeals’ judgment affirming trial court’s award of summary judgment and attorney fees to plaintiff reversed, and cause remanded to the trial court.Fischer, J.Slip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4237
State v. Lloyd 2021-0860Criminal law—Ineffective assistance of counsel—Deficient performance—Felony murder and felonious assault—Defense counsel’s argument identifying victim’s death as a “serious physical harm” did not reflect a misunderstanding of the law—Defense counsel’s failure to request jury instructions that defendant was not entitled to was not ineffective—Court of appeals’ judgment affirmed.DeWine, J.Slip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4259
Walling v. Brenya 2021-0241Negligent credentialing—Negligent credentialing is a claim separate and independent from medical negligence, but a negligent-credentialing claim cannot proceed without either a simultaneous or a prior adjudication of or stipulation to medical negligence—Court of appeals’ judgment affirmed.Donnelly, J.Slip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4265
12/01/2022 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Mediation matters.