
Case Caption Case No. Topics and Issues Author Citation
Maple Hts. v. Netlix, Inc. 2021-0864Civil actions—Fair Competition in Cable Operations Act—R.C. Chapter 1332.21—Director of commerce has the sole authority to grant video-service authorizations and to investigate allegations that a video-service provider is violating or failing to comply with R.C. Chapter 1332.21—R.C. Chapter 1332.21 does not imply a private right of action.Donnelly, J.Slip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4174
State ex rel. Walmart, Inc. v. Hixson 2021-1479Workers’ compensation—Our decision in State ex rel. Klein v. Precision Excavating & Grading Co. applies prospectively only.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4187
State ex rel. Andrews v. Lake Cty. Court of Common Pleas 2022-0409Prohibition—Mandamus—Clerk of courts—Duties of office—Judges’ journal entry did not merely direct clerk of courts in the performance of her duties but effectively prevented the clerk from performing her duties and thus functionally removed her from her elected office—Writs of prohibition and mandamus granted and writ of quo warranto denied as moot.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4189
State v. Garrett 2019-1381Criminal law—Aggravated murder—Findings of guilt and death sentence affirmed.Fischer, J.Slip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4218
Disciplinary Counsel v. Ferfolia 2022-0715Attorneys—Misconduct—Violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct—Conditionally stayed one-year suspension.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4220
11/30/2022 Case Announcements #2  Motion and procedural rulings.  
11/30/2022 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions—Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals accepted for review.