
Case Caption Case No. Topics and Issues Author Citation
11/18/2022 Case Announcements  Disciplinary cases.  
In re Resignation of D'Atri 2022-1249Attorneys at law—Resignation with disciplinary action pending—Gov.Bar R. VI(11)(C).  
State ex rel. Ohio State Univ. v. Pratt 2021-1350Workers’ compensation—Temporary-total-disability compensation—Voluntary abandonment—Key question in determining compensation under the voluntary-abandonment rule is whether an injured worker has abandoned the workforce, not merely the former position—Determination of voluntary abandonment requires consideration of all relevant circumstances existing at the time of the alleged abandonment—Court of appeals’ judgment granting writ of mandamus reversed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-4111
11/18/2022 Case Announcements #2  Merit decisions with opinions.