
Case Caption Case No. Topics and Issues Author Citation
In re K.K. 2021-0822 and 2021-0857Juvenile procedure—Former R.C. 2151.35(B)(1) does not divest a juvenile court of subject-matter jurisdiction when the court fails to hold a dispositional hearing within 90 days after a complaint alleging abuse, neglect, or dependency was filed—A parent’s claim that a judgment rendered when a dispositional hearing was held after 90 days is barred by res judicata when the parent did not raise the claim before the juvenile court or in a direct appeal from the dispositional order—Judgment reversed and cause remanded.Kennedy, J.Slip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-3888
State ex rel. Mobley v. Toledo 2022-0080Mandamus—Public-records requests—Requester concedes that city provided the two records described in his complaint shortly after he filed it—Requester has failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that city failed to comply with any obligation under R.C. 149.43(B)—Writ and statutory damages denied.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-3889
State v. Bortree 2021-1254Criminal law—Attempted aggravated murder and attempted murder—Statute of limitations—R.C. 2901.13—The statute of limitations for attempted aggravated murder and attempted murder is six years under R.C. 2901.13(A)(1)(a)—Court of appeals’ judgment reversed and cause remanded to trial court to vacate judgment of conviction.Donnelly, J.Slip Opinion No. 2022-Ohio-3890
11/03/2022 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions.