
Case Caption Case No. Topics and Issues Author Citation
State ex rel. McCarley v. Dept. of Rehab. & Corr. 2023-1271Mandamus—Court of appeals did not err by relying on documents attached to appellant’s complaint when granting appellee’s motion for judgment on the pleadings—Because appellant failed to show that Rules Infraction Board’s guilty finding imposed an atypical and significant hardship on him, mandamus was not proper—Court of appeals’ judgment affirmed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2747
State ex rel. Mack v. Richland Cty. Sheriff's Office 2023-1201Mandamus—Public Records Act—R.C. 149.43—Statutory damages—Public office from which records were requested must produce responsive records to which the R.C. 149.43(B)(8) exception does not apply or certify that no such records exist—Limited writ granted and statutory damages denied.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2748
In re R.G.M. 2023-0514Family law—Legal custody—Due process—Cross-examination—Biological parent was not entitled to same due-process rights in legal-custody dispositional hearing as those afforded parents in permanent-custody proceedings—Record did not demonstrate that biological parent was denied opportunity to cross-examine author of report relied on by juvenile court or why cross-examination would have been beneficial, let alone critical, to biological parent’s case—Biological parent’s due-process rights were not violated when juvenile court considered report under R.C. 2151.35(B) and Juv.R. 34(B)—Court of appeals’ judgment reversed and cause remanded.Brunner, J.Slip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2737
07/23/2024 Case Announcements #2  Merit decisions with opinions.  
07/23/2024 Case Announcements  Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals accepted for review—Appeals not accepted for review—Reconsideration of prior decisions—Disciplinary cases.  
State ex rel. Ware v. Stone 2023-1343Mandamus—Public-records requests—R.C. 149.43—Generally, in an original action seeking an extraordinary writ, the court may issue an alternative writ and a scheduling order that control for the action and supersede conflicting rules of civil procedure—Because the prosecutor produced all the records responsive to the public-records request, the request for a writ of mandamus was moot—Court of appeals properly declined to award statutory damages and court costs—Court of appeals’ judgment affirmed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2746