
Case Caption Case No. Topics and Issues Author Citation
07/18/2024 Case Announcements  Merit decisions with opinions—Disciplinary cases.  
Look Ahead Am. v. Stark Cty. Bd. of Elections 2023-1059Statutory interpretation—R.C. 121.22(G)(2)—Open meetings—Public bodies—Executive session—Premature-disclosure clause within R.C. 121.22(G)(2) following list of permissible reasons for a public body to enter executive session applies to entire list—Court of appeals’ judgment reversed and cause remanded to trial court for new trial.Kennedy, C.J.Slip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2691
State ex rel. Scott v. Toledo Corr. Inst. 2023-1170Mandamus—Public-records requests—A public office has no duty to produce nonexistent records—When no evidence exists to rebut public-records custodian’s claim that the requested records do not exist, the public office satisfies its obligations under R.C. 149.43—Writ and requests for statutory damages and court costs denied.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2694
Disciplinary Counsel v. Risner 2024-0731Attorneys at law—Reciprocal discipline from the Supreme Court of Tennessee—Indefinite suspension—Gov.Bar R. V(11)(F)(4).  
State ex rel. Mobley v. Tyack 2023-1094Mandamus—Relator’s public-records request did not identify with reasonable clarity the records he was seeking from county prosecutor’s office—Writ and request for statutory damages and court costs denied.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2692
State ex rel. Peterson v. Miday 2023-1152Prohibition—Res judicata was not an appropriate basis to dismiss petition on motion to dismiss—Trial-court judge did not patently and unambiguously lack jurisdiction over petitioner’s criminal case, and petitioner has or had adequate remedies in ordinary course of law to pursue his claims—Court of appeals did not abuse its discretion in declaring petitioner to be vexatious litigator under its local rules—Court of appeals’ judgment affirmed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-2693