
Case Caption Case No. Topics and Issues Author Citation
04/30/2024 Case Announcements  Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals accepted for review—Appeals not accepted for review—Reconsideration of prior decisions.  
04/30/2024 Case Announcements #2  Merit decisions with opinions.  
04/30/2024 Case Announcements #3  Motion and procedural rulings.  
State ex rel. White v. Aveni 2023-0714Mandamus—Procedendo—Mootness—Judicial notice—Vexatious litigators—A writ of mandamus can be used to compel a court to issue a decision, but a writ of procedendo is the more appropriate remedy because an inferior court’s failure to timely dispose of a pending action is the ill a writ of procedendo is designed to remedy—The record does not support a conclusion that trial court ruled on appellant’s hanging-charge motion and therefore mooted his claim for extraordinary relief regarding that motion—Court of appeals erred in determining that trial court’s docket entry itself disposed of hanging-charge motion—Judicial-notice requests did not involve facts generally known or capable of accurate determination—Request to declare appellant a vexatious litigator denied based on lack of precedent in which this court declared a party a vexatious litigator under S.Ct.Prac.R. 4.03(B) when party had prevailed—Court of appeals’ judgment affirmed in part and reversed in part and cause remanded.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-1614
State ex rel. Ellis v. Chambers-Smith 2023-1062Mandamus—Writ sought to order Department of Rehabilitation and Correction to treat a postconviction entry correcting jail-time credit as a resentencing entry vacating original prison sentence—Court of appeals’ denial of writ affirmed.Per CuriamSlip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-1615